
I'm Jenny Carrillo, a passionate photographer dedicated to uncovering and celebrating the beauty within and around us.

Throughout my photography, I explore the themes of identity and self-discovery. The masks we wear often symbolize the roles we play and the personas we project, but they can also act as barriers that prevent us from truly understanding and embracing our authentic selves. Rather than dividing my work into distinct phases, I weave these themes throughout, creating a cohesive narrative that reflects the complexities of personal growth and the journey toward uncovering our true essence. As a photographer, I am dedicated to capturing and celebrating the beauty within and around us, using the power of imagery to tell stories that uplift and inspire others on their path to self-discovery and connection.

My Fine Art Photos are available through On the Edge Gallery


My approach to photography is deeply rooted in collaboration and authenticity. Drawing on my background in community-based initiatives and event planning, I prioritize building genuine connections with my subjects and clients. Through creativity, storytelling, and a commitment to fostering connections, I aim to provide glimpses into varied perspectives, encouraging viewers to find beauty in the ordinary.